Many of us become highly emotionally activated when our childhood attachment wounding is triggered.

Attachment wounding comes from our relationships with parent-figures. When there’s mistrust, betrayal, or a consistent inability for a parent to meet our emotional needs as children— we carry this wounding into adulthood.

So does our nervous system.

This looks like being hyper vigilant in romantic relationships, having consistent fear of betrayal or abandonment, avoidance or inability to truly connect.

We can begin to confuse our nervous system responses as sexual attraction.

We can also mistake a lack of nervous system activation with a partner as a lack of sexual attraction. Especially if we grew up with homes with chaos, instability, or emotional abandonment.

Healing involves the process of becoming consciously aware to how our mind and body are responding.


1. When do I find myself most attracted to this person?

2. Am I becoming activated by fear of abandonment, or am I feeling true (consistent) connection?

3. Am I seeking to be seen and heard by this person or am I seeking to be chosen?

4. Does this relationship means betraying parts of myself in order to be loved?

5. Is there an emotional addiction involved in the relationship with highs and lows?

Ubuntu Family 

Prince Tochukwu
