A few years ago, I started to understand that the concept of personality wasn’t the true story. 

Our personality is a set of thoughts, emotions, reactions, and coping mechanism we have unconsciously practiced since the earliest years of our life.

In order to create a future version of ourselves, we have to practice new ways of responding. We have to practice new emotional states. We have to learn to pause and breathe before habitually reacting.

This is difficult work

The Ego loves Revenge.

Prince Rad Tochukwu

We are used to running on autopilot. Habitually acting to the world around us from the limited perspective of our past.

We live in a society that celebrate the downfall of the rich and successful people around us for no reason😭. Poverty mentality is a cancer.

Poor people don't know d value of sex with protection!! They don't value knowledge to create wealth. Poor people want to have many children as much as they can and in turn call the rich wicked for not helping them in training their dozens of children. Poverty is a disease, I will never be poor.

Becoming conscious is the first step to healing. It’s the foundation of transformation.

Be healed from mental slavery that the rich are evil and ritualist.

Loving yourself, being kind to yourself, not judging or shaming yourself on that self healing journey is something most of us have to learn— especially if we were raised in critical, overbearing, or achievement based/perfectionist households.

You need healing from toxic, frustrated and depressed parents, idiotic siblings and wretched environment to be save. Most atimes you don't need healing from your relationships, its your family that is hurting you.

The journey of healing is a selfish journey.

The truth is our mind and bodies are extremely powerful.


The ego loves revenge or getting even.

It becomes fixated on how another person can experience the same pain they gave us. It does this through thoughts (+ lots of stories) that solidify how wronged we were.

We believe the illusion that this will make us feel better or take the pain away.

And, in the process we keep re-living the experience in our mind over + over. The body lives it again too. 

We keep hurting ourselves in our unconscious desire to control our life experience.

Revenge is self harm.

Our work is to begin to forgive ourselves. To sit in silence and say: “I choose to forgive.” 

To breathe as we tell ourselves “I trust life + it’s natural consequences.”

True power is PEACE of mind. Meditate on it. Ask for it when it feels out of reach. Believe in it and it comes easier.

Ubuntu Family

Prince Rad Tochukwu.
